Frequently Asked Questions

I forgot my password, what do I do?
IMPORTANT - Do not share your login information. Our security measure to prevent unwarranted use of the Guru without making a purchase to allow one copy to be used on one computer at a time. If you gave the login information to someone else it is your responsibility to have them remove it from their computer.

The password that you received is a one time password that does not change.

We can send it to you but we need proof that you are who you say you are.

Please create a ticket and provide as much information that would have been part of your order when you purchased the Guru Lead Crusher. (email, name, last 4 on cc, city, state, zipcode)

We must validate the information and if it is sufficient we will reply to this ticket with your activation information.

 Last updated Wed, Jan 8 2014 1:00am

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